Mental Health Mini Assessment Please rate how you have felt over the last few weeks:I feel tense or wound up* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I get a sort of frightened feeling as if something awful is about to happen* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all Worrying thoughts go through my mind* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I get a feeling like butterflies in my stomach* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I feel restless and can't sit at ease and feel relaxed* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I get sudden feelings of panic* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I'm irritable and easily annoyed* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I don’t enjoy the things I used to enjoy* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I don’t laugh and see the funny side of things as much* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I feel sad and much less cheerful* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I feel as if I am slowed down* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I have lost interest in my appearance* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I’ve stopped looking forward with enjoyment to things* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all I don’t enjoy a good book or radio or TV programme* Most of the time A lot of the time Time to time, occasionally Not at all